Monday 8 November 2010

Orphan Movie Trailer

Orphan conforms to the usual trailer conventions quite notably through its use of music. It starts off with a quite nice and upbeat peice of music that changes as some oddity to the plot is added. This highlights the massive change and unusual elements of the film which attract the audience. Whilst it does not use intertitles as its medium of communicating with the audience, there are large extracts from the dialogue designed purely to motivate the audience into viewing the film. There is also the fact that Leonardo Dicaprio worked as a producer for the film, his fame attracting a large audience to the production.

It obeys the horror conventions through its clever use of contrapuntal music (e.g. Esther singing at the end of the trailer "Thats the story of, thats the story of love..." in a rather creepy fashion) ultimately creating an extremely oxymoron like effect. It also utilisesthe whole idea of turning a normal, mundane and innocent entitiy or object (such as a clown or in this case Esther) into something horrifying. Finally iconography of Esther is a method of conforming to the horror stereotype. She is shown to have a pale face, yet startlingly dark eyes and almost obsidian black  hair which creates a witch like supernatural air to her.

What I would most like to implement from the trailer is its consistent oxymoron like themes.  Turning an innocent location, person or scene into something horrific is something I hope I have the ability to implement.

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